Owning a property does not give you the right to use it in any manner you choose. Every municipality maintains a strict code, dividing the area into zones, in each of which only certain uses are permitted. For example, if you own land in a residential zone, you cannot open a store on that property. If you own a large parcel in a residential zone, you may be prohibited from dividing that parcel for the construction of additional houses.
Under certain circumstances, it is possible to deviate from the restrictions of the zoning code. Application may be made to the municipal Planning Board or Zoning Board of Adjustment for "variances" or "waivers" permitting your proposed use, notwithstanding the existing code. Applications may be as simple as seeking permission to build a fence in a restricted area, or as complex as construction of a non-conforming strip mall in a residential area.
Generally, your attorney is not the only professional you will need to successfully prosecute a land use application. Many times, we will suggest the retention of a civil engineer and/or a certified planner to assist in the presentation. We act as the quarterback of your team, and coordinate the entire effort on your behalf.
Our record speaks for itself. The firm has presented a myriad of applications, including both minor and major subdivisions, change of use applications and variance applications. In eighteen years of practice, not one application has been denied.
Should you have the need for services in this area, please give us a chance to show you why we specialize in client satisfaction.